lots of help* ;-)
There's JUST something about Mary.......
I don't know how I had the pleasure of meeting the most amazing women that I know on this earth. I'm not sure how God knew this was just the right person I needed in my life, to help me deal with life & "me" ... However, she was just what/who I needed.... .. We met @ work, and one day some how we just got "close," we clicked .. She gets me. I don't know if it's her cool calming Aquarian nature... I see so much of me in her. We joke & laugh about this, but she really is my soulmate (but no really, if only she was a man) lol.... My better half, we'll just settle for Samantha & Carrie (Sex & the City 2k13). ... I'd really be lost without her & my gorgeous bowskiiii/twinnnnskii lover, whom I could literally go on forever about (S/O my beautiful Bow)!
I know i seem like the worlds biggest fashionista at times... BUT... thats just the stuff i like, it doesn't depict, define, or portray the young lady that I am... It's the smallest teeny-tiny, little, kind & considerate things that keep me alive & get me going...