Weekend Update:
Your mojo returns full force this Friday as white hot Mars moves through your romance sector until July 12. Passion will not be short order this summer, Aquarius, especially if you summon your courage and initiate the action. Needy, clingy people just won't do it for you now, even if they are "safe." You'll be drawn to the dynamos (think: leather clad lead singers, charismatic activists, start-up venture wunderkinds). Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater though. If you've got a good one on the line, see if you can't lure 'em out of the comfort zone and into a more exciting groove. Your own star will rise during this Mars phase. Hire a publicist or get the promotional efforts going yourself. It's time to create a buzz and let the world see what you're capable of. Communicator Mercury also changes signs this Friday, kicking off a longer-than-usual tour through Cancer that lasts until August 7. Cancer rules your sixth house of work, healthy and daily routines. Getting your life into an organized groove will be a grand theme of the summer. If your vitality is lagging, Mercury pumps you up for a well-being mission. Check out Dr. Lissa Rankin's "Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself" for a fascinating read on mind-body medicine. With the moon in your earthy second house all weekend, this quest for wellness may begin with your palette-or your bank account. Could you use more green in your life? Pile your plate with the dark leafy variety (kale salad, anyone?) and then get to work on your budget. Simplifying and streamlining can free up funds for more meaningful purposes. Maybe it's time to cancel a membership that you barely use or search for work that pays you what you deserve. If your skill set is not quite up to snuff, sign up for a training that will help you command a higher salary. On Sunday, Venus heads into Cancer until June 26, turning up the volume on the call for body love. This quest should be enjoyable, Aquarius, so mix in some dance classes with the boot camp cardio and search for recipes that are nutritious and palatable. PS: Venus is the love planet and you might just meet your summer sweetheart while you're running in the park.