Thursday, April 10, 2014

Acquired Taste: Wild Heart - The Wild Card. πŸƒ

...It Ain't For Everbody, just let my love adorn you...
"love a Wild One"
Whenever I hear a guy say, "She's too wild, too much, too hard to figure out, too complicated, too intense, too hard to handle, too emotional, too opinionated, or crazy." I hear, "I'd a burned her ass at the stake back in Salem. She is too connected to the Goddess. I won't be able to tame her. I won't understand her. I won't be able to keep her. She won't need me. She is too powerful and won't love the wounded parts of me."

Au contraire, she will see the parts of you that you're afraid of and love them anyway. A woman unleashed will love you without ever needing to change you. She will connect to you on a primal level, needing your body, as she lets herself succumb to her own inner fire. Her passion will make you surrender whatever you'd have to, as you watch her rock your entire world. As a lover, she'll not just make love to your body or heart, but to your soul. You will wonder how you ever called it living before you met her. She will piss you off, and when you fight, it will suck. When you make up, you will realize you felt like you were dying as you thought of life without her, but she's taught you of your strength and how your vulnerability makes you brave. She makes you realize that you could survive anything, even losing her, because she taught you to believe in yourself. She will demand more of you and you will be glad she knew you had it in you all along.

She will fiercely love you and teach you, nurture you and reach you, which at times make you uncomfortable. She will love the scared, little boy inside of you that you're afraid exists, and acknowledging him makes you feel like the old you died, the one that lived a lie, that BS guy. That part of you that feels not good enough will come up to heal and she will see through your faΓ§ade. She'll push your buttons and make you reach for more within yourself. She will make you ask yourself questions, making you grow, and know way more you thought was even possible. She will challenge you and never will she be boring. She will excite you and infuriate you with her boldness, that she allows herself to be all of herself, and not just parts. She will have a lot of feelings and you will not know what to do, but never once could you dare think of leaving her because of the drama that is so foreign to you. Her tears will scare you and you will want to fix her, her problems, and the world for her. She will reassure you that this is one way she expresses herself and that it doesn't mean weakness, that you can cry when you are angry, happy, sad, and for no reason at all. That tears are like an elixir for the soul, a catalyst for letting go, a signal of a change in energy. 

It will be a wild ride, an adventure that takes you to the edge of yourself.
With this relationship, you will want to secure this love forever, but you will know you can never own a woman unleashed, you just get to love her.
Love a wild one. Let her bewitch you, entrance you, bedazzle you, seduce you, mesmerize you, enchant you, and let her free you.
Author: Jenny G Perry