Friday, April 26, 2013

Mommy Lovin'

BitterSweet.. My mom got her date for her bone marrow transplant.. Just when I thought I made it out the woods, for a minute, with my dad. Her first batch of chemo starts June 29th. She looked at me teary eyed and said what about my hair... My instinct and response was natural, as I heard myself say, without thinking ... I'll just shave my hair off with you, without realizing what I said, she light up instantly from ear to ear. .....

Okay so me pulling the whole "shorty got fed up... Pulled a Brittany, and shaved her whole head up" act, is devastating to me. Me with no hair????? I couldn't renege now. But, how in the world am I gonna pull this off. ??? 😱. lol.... She has had locks for as long as I can remember, before weezy was weezy.

I pulled up pics of gracii and cassie... Like half the head will work for me... I need the 30 inches Brazilian still, lol.... She hit me with the good ol' "no one ever does anything halfway in life" line. lol... I'm convinced she wants me to cultivate into the dread head era with her and my brother..... lol, I'm just not a dread chick.... But for my mommy, I'll do ANYTHING including shaving my hair off bald .... (not dreads tho)....... Ohhhhhh myyyyy goshhhhh-what-on-earth has young posh got herself into............. Me amber rosein' ..... Yikessssssszzzz.

Looks like the life is so exciting concert, will be like my last "fun" go round before Minnesota ... #Mommy&DaughterTakeOverTheMayoClinic ... Bald headed and all....

Moral support @ it's finest. 💕
